Caution: Summer Ahead
The Sun’s out in all of it’s glory. the days get longer, and your outings get shorter.
While it is the best time to ‘chill’ we bet your skin’s not feeling the same way. Oily skin gets oilier and dry skin gets patchy. Breakouts and pimples, rashes and roughness are about to turn you crazy.
But, amidst all of this, is it possible to have that cool summer glow?
Well, YES!
Summer’s got nothing on you if you know the tiny little tricks to protect your beautiful skin!
So here’s a gentle reminder of everything you should be doing to protect your skin during Summer (that can be pretty ruthless sometimes)
Reminder No. 1
Face Care: It is something you should indulge in throughout the year, but summer months warrant a special skincare regime – one that hydrates and keeps it clean. Ensure you splash cool water on your face at least 3- 4 times a day. Use a face wash that is mild on the skin, preferably an organic one.
Reminder No. 2
The right products: The dense creams that you have been using all through winter are a strict no during the sunshine months. It’s time to bring out the gentle moisturizers and soothing body washes to keep your skin supple and fresh all through summer. Water – based moisturizers work best for normal skin & the ultimate saviour for oily skin are the gel based ones.
The more chemicals you avoid the happier your skin stays. Make the switch to organic products that are not as harsh as the sun on your skin.
(Hint: Your one stop destination for everything organic is Love Organically, we promise to nourish your skin with the best)
Reminder No. 3
Eating & drinking right: A lot of what you consume has a direct effect on your skin. Make sure you steer away from all the oily stuff. Besides eating heavy food in a weather like this is bound to make you inactive & sluggish. Consume a ton of fruits and stay hydrated constantly. One must never under estimate the cleansing power water has on your skin. Befriend the seasonal fruits & vegetables. Pack a powerful plate with everything fresh & good.
Reminder no. 4
The Natural route: Everything your grandma tells you or used to tell you is CORRECT! There are a whole bunch of natural ingredients that help soothe your skin. If the summer rashes have got to you and your little ones for that mater – turn to the ever-healing neem and calendula combination that is the only one that emerges victorious. Be it a body wash or a body butter, you are in safe hands.
If you are looking for the right amount of nourishment, the quest ends with geranium and grape seed! A simple soothing massage is sure to rejuvenate your skin. And one can always turn to Lavender when you or your little one is battling with restlessness just before bedtime. We know and understand the heat can do unspeakable things. But a relaxing bath with Lavender body wash followed by the gentle application of Lavender lotion is the answer to your problem.
Nature has a beautiful way of protecting us even in the harsh summers.
Love Organically’s ranges are crafted keeping in mind everything your grandma wanted to hand down to you coupled with the goodness of Mother Nature.
You are sure to find your summer happiness at the bottom of a Love Organically bottle.
So this summer, make the Happy Skin Promise and enjoy the season.
Live Organically, Love Organically.